Sunday, 28 February 2016

Vandals of plagiarism are the bad behaviour that exists in every industry.

On the other hand, plagiarism means the"wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. The idea remains problematic with unclear definitions and unclear rules

In the industry we have designers, inventors, innovators and creators and many else. Then if you try to create a dominant, they often faced with the experience of 'Copied' portfolio to the media and they do not care anymore, even in the academic, the teachers, many of them still have pain when they see the students doing their homework by 'COPYING & PASTING' article from the Internet. It also can be seen more frequently in the media that some sites, copy the content from the web to publish the manuscript then concluded that as a result of his work

The picture below shows some example on why students do plagiarize:

These stories happen all the time in our society. So we need to question the position of the technology, 'is it the benefits of access information already endless?”. The bad side usually comes like two-sided coin, which seems to be the problem that cannot be solved in the forum's website and, there is a set point for people to comment on the issue, and one of the comments said, "To steal ideas is actually a person with mental problems. Because people that are intelligent in the classroom is often a to be the most beloved among their friends and whoever does not like people who always boasted clever and who is likely to steal the ideas of others to say the same as their own.

 Misconceptions of plagiarism
    This matter still in a point of discussion, it is an endless problem. Whether it is in the classroom like copying others homework or in work place like stealing someones ideas until in the social media they also copied others content. Wonder why the popular misconception, about stolen or 'borrowed' the contribution of others to use, it still appeared to linger everywhere and this is not the end. We have done an observation and from that, we have got three misconceptions among the plagiarist in every situation.

  • "Plagiarist- They felt that no one knows about their doing"

Tools to detect plagiarists idea are a very powerful tool but it also vulnerable to thieves to escape from being caught. This is because 'Detection software' does not detect plagiarists idea directly, but the detection of the highlights of the text that was written two times (depending on the type of instrument used) usually the tool will run the software, and it will search the text that was written from anywhere and is highlighted. Later, when the same word or phrase pops up in another, this software will also be notified immediately.

    But the outcome that often occurred is the reminder will appear when the word or phrase that is mostly used, so then the tools to detect plagiarism, still required the ability of humans to be repeated the work of the software.

  •   Plagiarism is a matter of proportion

Many people believe that plagiarism is about 'Ratio of similarity” in one of the article, but the fact is even if you just copied the ideas of others just 5% or 10%, it also considered as imitators. Especially, the writing in academic field such as 'research' or 'thesis' nowadays can be verified that it is copied from another work about a few per cent.
    The problem in this matter, when it is referenced in academic papers has to specify clearly and accurately the source of the content. Sometimes content with a new idea was presented as critical thinking or synthesize it in their owned style. In academic circles, the writing is not standardized with the 'ratio', or the 'scope' of reference is stated clearly.

  •   The rewrite was not considered a plagiarism

Nowadays, some people set their mind if they 'Write the new remix' of the article does not considered as copying manuscripts. This is the easiest way to avoid charge of plagiarism. However, the issue of plagiarism idea is not just about we copied the content exactly, even we write the new remix also called as plagiarism. So if you are going to copy the work of others by using words like original, you may also be saved from the charges, but it means that it still considered as steal other people's ideas to be used for your own job.

             In a nutshell, we can relate all the passage above with an idiom called “Steal Someone’s Thunder” which means someone use your ideas or inventions for their own advantage.
I will give you some tips to avoid plagiarism, look at the picture below:

To end my post, together we say NO
to plagiarism.

 Keep Calm

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