Monday, 13 June 2016


Asal dalam dakwah ini adalah menyeru kepada jalan Allah, yang mana dihujung jalan ini, hamba itu akan mencapai matlamat akhirnya iaitu keredhaan tuhan..Allah berfirman:

"ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة...."
"serulah ke jalan tuhanMu dengan hikmah kebijaksanaan dan peringatan yang baik...."

maka dalam kita berorganisasi, atau bergerak dalam apa-apa gerakan atau parti politik atas semangat dakwah, kita perlu jelas dalam memahami hakikat ini..bahawa tujuan dakwah kita bukanlah menyeru kepada parti kita dan organisasi kita..

tujuannya adalah Allah..dan seseorang boleh mengambil mana-mana jalan yang dia lihat akan menemukan dia dengan matlamat itu, termasuklah segala pertubuhan dan gerakan islam yang ada...

mana-mana organisasi, pertubuhan atau parti tak boleh memutlakkan islam hanya kepada dirinya sahaja..sehingga apabila dilihatnya muslim itu menyimpang dari landasan parti, atau mengkritik pertubuhan tersebut, atau berubah pandangan/pendirian terhadapnya, dihukumnya sebagai munafiq, menyimpang daripada perjuangan Islam, tercicir(mutasaqitin) daripada jalan dakwah dan sebagainya..

dunia semakin berkembang..hatta ijtihad-ijtihad dalam hukum fiqh juga berkembang...malah perbahasan fiqh sekarang telah menjangkaui pandangan mazhab-mazhab dominan demi memenuhi maslahah ummat..

maka begitu juga dengan organisasi dan pertubuhan ini..dalam sebahagian keadaan, kita sokong pendirian dan strategi sesuatu pertubuhan..namun boleh jadi pndirian itu tidak lagi dilihat relevan dalam konteks yang lain..maka jika islam dieksklusifkan untuk pertubuhan tersebut, agama ini akan dilihat sebagai tidak relevan..

*sekadar pandangan hasil pemerhatian terhadap beberapa perkara yang berlaku akhir-akhir ini..


-'Abd Ar-Rahim Ellias-

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


" I hope this moment never end "
" But still it will, hm .. "

Indeed, kadang ada waktu yang kita taknak ia berakhir. Kita nak jam berhenti berdetik, masa berhenti bergerak.

Terutama bila kita bersama orang² yang kita sayang. We just want the times to remain the same.

But it ended up other way. It goes quicker. Years that we expected to be longer feel like a month, and month feel like a week, same goes to week that just like a day.

Then there, we parted away.

We got separated. We hurted. We feel abandoned. And most of the times, we feel regretful.

Yeah, regret for what we could have done but we were not. Regret for what we could have showed but we did not and regret for what we could have said but we were silent.

" We can't do anything about this, right? "
" Time will keep on moving and what left was just memory. "

You got the point there.

We can't stop the time. We can't change it or even make it backward. After all this, at some point of time, we all will be just a memory, so try your best to be a good one.

" Means? "

It's either being a good or bad memory. You still have time, dont waste it. Do your best to cherish the moments.

" But she already gone. He already parted away from me. It's no use. "

Nope it is not. As we can't make them come back, so do your best to make what's still around stay with you. And to make what still there become the best memory. Look around, you still have a lot to keep moving. So keep on moving!

And if one fine day we get back the chance to be with people we love, we're not wasting the chance anymore. We will not. Right?

Post ini untuk hangpa yang dah kehilangan. Move on weh. Bagi yang masih ada, do your best to do what you can so you not regret it when they gone.



Sunday, 8 May 2016

What is LOVE ?

Love is when you can’t sleep without having praying isha, love is when you can’t eat before saying Bismillah first and love is when you say Alhamdulillah remembering all that Allah has blessed you with.

The true love we all long for and strive to find our entire lives can only be found with Allah. Learn to love and obey Him first then you’ll find someone worth loving for His sake.

Cause wallahi, if you don’t love Him, there will always be something missing in your life, there will always be that empty sadness in your life.

So dedicate yourself to Allah and you will find the true meaning of love.

“And He is the Forgiving, the Affecionate.”

I Quran 85:14 I

-    Emzer  -

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Things to do before going to bed

5 things you do before you go to sleep :-

1.Play Counter-Strike with housemate

The concept of the game is to kill your enemy and get the victory.Why we choose this game?.
Because it can release our stress and it can be easier for us to sleep. Other than that, it also can tighten our friendship if we choose to play multi-player.The list name of member that playing Counter-Strike (CS) is :-

  1. Kucai (The sniper)
  2. Farid (Master of Flashbang)
  3. Abu (Rifle-Man)
  4. Marul (King ks)
  5. Mus (Kamikaze)
  6. Bo (The boss)

2.Do the dishes

It's a proven fact that we're more likely to eat at home and make dinner ourselves if the area in which food preparation happens is clean.It's easy to cook dinner and leave cleanup for later, but making sure the dishes are done before the morning routine starts makes for a healthier day.

3.Tie off trash

Each night, before we sleep we take the trash out.It's a great way to keep our space clean and to prevent having to drag more than 1 bag goes out at a time. Because if more than 1 bag goes out at a time, that means there was a bag sitting and waiting in your home

4.Pick up outerwear

It's easy to come home, take off your jacket, your shoes, your hat and get comfy! After all, that 's what a home is for! But if your home is anything like ours, more than a days worth of shoes on the floor can be a disaster.Literally,making sure that stray bits of clothing and shoes have been returned to their closets and baskets makes other chores on our list easier throughout the week.

5.Recite the dua

Last but not least, as our last thing to do before go to bed is recite the dua and surah such as zikir and salawat to our prophet Muhammad SAW. This is one of good example that you can show to your future kid.Someday, it also can prevent you from gettting disturb from Satan and bad things while you were sleeping. So ,remember by remembering Allah before sleep is one of good thing to do, Allah loves the servant that remebers Him everytime.So, let's do the thing that can make Allah SWT happy. Shall we?

5 Things To Do Before Go To Sleep

Human beings are growing with so many ways such as eating, working and sleeping. When we talked about sleep topic it is a must to do list because by sleeping also can enhance our body to relax and chill. As for college students, sleep is common thing to do in their daily life because every student nowadays are lack of sleep because of too much study, work and sort out other stuff. For your information, this week we would like to share with you about our 5 things to do before we go to bed. Let’s begin, shall we the readers.

Firstly, as for girls in our group are preferring to write down about their day in diary as for reminder. They usually would share about their good day and bad day through their precious diary, as a way to express their feelings and thoughts. Expressing through diary is one of good way actually, because by doing this can helps one to keep on their personal in positive way though. Rather than express your feeling to random people who take your story for granted.

Secondly, the boys usually will check out their phones before go to bed. As you know, gadgets and teenagers are one that can’t be separated for sure, because why? Phone makes them happy and joy, so that’s the reason why they preferred to go and check out their phone before sleep.

Thirdly, we know that mostly students stay in hostel away from their house but some of them stay in their own house. So one of our member likes to share about her story before goes to bed. Before she went to bed she will helps her mother massages the legs as the way to pay back what her mother has done towards her ever since she was a little. This is very good thing to share actually because it can help you to strengthen the bond between you and your beloved mother.

Fourthly, the to do list before go to bed is arrange up all the college stuff such as pack all the books inside the beg. As you know, living as college life is quiet busy and hectic, it also effect to students timing management. So by ready up the stuff before go to bed can prevent one student from last minute set up, left book and anxious yet anxiety, isn’t it?

Last but not least, as our last thing to do before go to bed is recite the dua and surah such as zikir and salawat to our prophet Muhammad SAW. This is one of good example that you can show to your future kid someday, it also can prevent you from getting disturb from Satan and bad things while you were sleeping. So remember by remembering Allah before sleep is one of good thing to do, Allah loves the servant that remembers Him everytime. So let’s do the things that can make Allah SWT happy. Shall we?

Sunday, 17 April 2016

What Is Your Greatest Fear In Life

Everyone has his or her own greatest fear in life. Usually, not everyone can handle and face his or her frighten, some people maybe can overcome it but some maybe not. So, let's face reality everyone has its own weakness that they couldn't prevent from it. Regarding this matter, we as human beings have to move on forward in order to achieve a better life in future. Fear is temporary but joy is forever permanent in our heart and mind, so always be joy instead of fear. Since live just once, why don't we enjoy while it last. Unfortunately, this topic is going to hit about our members greatest fear in life, so shall we proceed to the very first member. Here we go;

Bonjour! It's me Isma, for this time i would like to share about my greatest fear in the world to the readers. It is Glossophobia, means easily panic and pressure to stand or give a talk in front of many peoples. i have faced this problem ever since i was in primary school. During that moment i was part of cheer-leading team that represent as the supporter squad to our school. Couple hours before the competition began i was nervously panic at the back stage, my hands were shaking and my legs were trembling. Fortunately, my teacher realized of my fear expression, regarding that my teacher brought me away from back stage and sat away from the crowds. She gave advised and convinced me by saying this phrase "just show what you got at the stage as the powerful and wonderful cheerleader, most of all just be yourself in the entire performance". So, i took her phrases as spirit to overcome my fear. As the result, i managed handle my fear and perform well at the show. I knew that this Glossophobia will be repeating continuously in the future. Especially, once i have entered into college life, glossophobia will be part of my life since i have to face so many types of presentation and assignment. So in order to overcome it, i will transform my glossophobia to positive and use as self-support to myself. Self-support; I'm happy and ready learning something new and challenge in order to gain more experience and knowledge.

let us move on to our next member;

For me, actually there is a lot of things that I afraid of but the greatest fear for me that still remain in my mind since I was a child until now is… FROG.

 I know that it sounds funny but it is reality happen in my life. I realized that my greatest fear might not that great for other people, it may be just a small matter for them but for me it such a big matter in my life. I can’t even see the picture of the frog as it makes me feel disgusting!!  Actually the main reason why I didn’t like the frog is when I had a nightmare about a scary frog. The incident begins when I go to my grandmother’s house in a village for a vacation, at that time we arrived there, my family and I need to place our shoes outside the house.  In the morning, when I want to wear the shoes, the time when I put my foot into my shoes, I felt like there is something slimy at my foot , I quickly take off my shoes and I saw there is a big frog in my shoes!! I was shocked and suddenly cry for help and scream and the top of my voice.

That story about frog was so funny, hahaha. Okay lets go to our third member which is Farid;

Hi….. My name is Muhammad Farid Bin Mohd Zabidi. There were so many experiences in fear that I’ve been faced, from childhood until now. Okay, now we start with fear that I face when I was child. It was when I 7 years old, I had undergo with one major operation in upper lips (cleft). 

That was my first fear that I realized the pain. Next, the fear that I face in teenager is when I was bullied in hostel. But, then the thing that I very fear, from I was child until now is if I did not get “MARDHATILLAH” and to the “JANNAH”.

Move on to our leader;

The greatest fear in my life,

There are a lot of things that I’m afraid of in this whole world but the most thing that I am afraid of is death. I’m scared of death because I always think to myself “Am I living good enough to make it to Heaven?” At this time of my age, there are so many things that I have to face and I’m afraid if I am driven to do the sinful act that at its large now. I am desperately hoping to myself that I’m not driven to do this act. I’m also hoping that there is someone out there who is willing to help me get through this. To help me stay away from all this before I meet my ends. And I’m strongly hoping that Allah is going to accept all my deed while I live and forgive all of sins that I have done. Lastly, I only know how many years I have lived but only Allah knows how many years I got left.

Finally our last member;

Every time we make a mistake like leaving prayers, see illegal things, be no good to both parents and so on, there will be a feeling that is present, where this feeling is my biggest fear. I was afraid when Allah wrath against a sin I did. For example we missed the Morning Prayer; we feared that Allah doesn’t want to spread the joy to us for the whole day. When we are disobedient to our parents, Allah will not bless everything that we do because pleasure of Allah is come from the pleasure of our both parent. Even if we are successful in our conditions against our parent, know that Allah will not be pleased with our success and it is called istidraj which is Allah bestowed on us in a state of Allah’s wrath. When we do all these faults, we would think about fate of our life hereafter. Would it be Jannah or An Nar? Immediately we asked Allah's forgiveness and repent to Him. At other times, we will repeat doing the same mistake. We as a human didn’t run from doing mistakes, but do not use it as an excuse for us to continue to do sin. Then immediately repent if you make a mistake. The door of repentance is always open for His servants.

Some people, who live in this world, would spend an incredible amount of time and energy chasing the dream and job. But have we ever stopped for a minute and considered building a house for ourselves in Jannah? Yet worries and anxieties are dominating our lives so much so that many of us have missed a few obligatory prayers for some worldly reason. Have we forgotten our appointment with the Angle of death? Our meeting with Allah? Do we ever ask ourselves that are we deserve to be in Jannah with Prophet Muhammad?
Indeed the akhirah is better for us; we need to use our time in this dunya to work for it.

So why do we prioritize dunya over Jannah? Put hands on your heart and ask your imaan.

“The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely”- (Surah al-Anfal 8:2)

Big pleasure to whoever read this. Until we meet again for the next blog, Au Revoir!

Saturday, 9 April 2016

When we start falling in love

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

مَا جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِرَجُلٍ مِنْ قَلْبَيْنِ فِي جَوْفِه

“Allah has not made for a man two hearts in his interior.”
 [QS Al-Ahzab, 33:4]

Who had experienced in falling in love to someone, put your hands up? Oh, it seems like every hands just on the mouse. So, in shaa Allah all the readers are innocent. It means no one had experienced in falling in love. Even if falling in love and couple are two different things, but that is not what I’m going to discuss now.

Falling in love

When we start falling in love to someone, we are tending to look at her/him. Even if we couldn’t look at his/her face, just by looking at his/her letter or picture it’s enough.

When we start falling in love to someone, we will be very sensitive to people who talked about him/her. With just hearing his/her name, not occasionally correct but we begin to face flushed. Hearts start flowery. Moreover, if there are people who talked about his/her beauty, well again ~ we felt like in heaven. Whereas it’s nothing, just the beginning in falling in love.

When we start falling in love, every time we wake up in the morning, we are going to look at our inbox message. We fear that there will be a message that has not been replied. Suddenly, there is 10 miscall! Again we feel nervous and fear, as we afraid that he/she would get angry and didn’t want to talk and be friend with us anymore.

When we start falling in love to someone, we will always ensure to be the best appearance. What he/she like, we will prevail.

When we start falling in love to someone, anyone willing to spend RM10 per night just wanted to hear his/her voice.

When we start falling in love to someone, we will always remember her/him. Every time we want to eat or sleep, we remembered him/her. Even there is a little spare time, must be reminded of him/her.

When we start falling in love to someone, we willing to sacrifice anything for her/him.

But, the question is, when is the first time we fell in love with Allah?

The second question is, when was the last time we made love with Allah? Or we are a kind of never know what is love?

When we first fall in love with Allah, how often do we tend to look at the words of Him? Although we can’t look at His face, but we can read and recite His words in the verse of Quran was enough. Was not it?

When we first fall in love to Allah, how sensitive we are to the people who talked about Him?

When we first fall in love with Allah, every time we wake up, we'll look at the clock in the handset, we feared that we will miss tahajjud. Moreover, we miss the Fajr. Then we feel nervous of fear for being late to pray. He would be angry and do not want to spread the joy to us again for the whole day. Was not it?

When we first fall in love with Allah, we will always ensure to be the best appearance. What was He like, we will prevail. The most important thing is we will take care of the cleanliness of heart because Allah does not look on the exterior, but the heart. Was not it?

When we first fall in love with Allah, how many ringgits that we are willing to spend a week to remember Allah? How many ringgits that we are willing to spend a week to help or make missionary and charity work? RM1? RM2? Or are we willing to work as long as effective missionary work?

When we first fall in love with Allah, how many times a day we will remember Him? When we are going to eat and sleep, we remembered Him.

When we first fall in love with Allah, is it true that many of us are willing to sacrifice anything for him?

Return to yourself

all the question we ask ourselves. Whatever the answer, return to ourselves. Because if love is still problematic in our hearts, how we want to fix the problem of love in others.

It’s enough. For too many people the world over loved by them. Desires to be their guide. Until, they lived like a dog. Would we rather like it?

“And if We had willed, we could have elevated him thereby, but he adhered [instead] to the earth and followed his own desire. So his example is like that of the dog: if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he [still] pants. That is the example of the people who denied Our signs. So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought.”
[QS Al-A'raf, 7:176]

Or do we want to be compared by Him like livestock?

“And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless.”
[QS Al-A’raf, 7:179]

Put hand on your heart and ask your faith. If there is no faith, go seek. Don’t wait. Guidance should be sought not wait. We have the right to choose what level of love for our heart.

مَا جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِرَجُلٍ مِنْ قَلْبَيْنِ فِي جَوْفِه

“Allah has not made for a man two hearts in his interior.”
 [QS Al-Ahzab, 33:4]

“Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And let them not be like those who were given the Scripture before, and a long period passed over them, so their hearts hardened; and many of them are defiantly disobedient. “
[QS Al-Hadid, 57:16]

This is the time.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Excuses of being late and absent to the class

As a student, we frequently heard about someone being late to the class or they are absent. They usually gives excuses that are pretty common and people usually used.
As we know, there are so many excuses that exist among students when they are late to the class or absent to liberate themselves from being punish by the lecturer. 

For example :-

1.Restless - the student do part-time job

  -Some of the student did not come from the well-funded family, so they have a critical conditions in of term financial problems. Then, they made a choice to take up a part time job to aid them a bit         while they were studying. This would make that certain student feel restless because of the tight         schedule that he or she have. So a student with a problem like this would fine coming to class is a       bit difficult to begin with.

2. Overslept - hanging out in the midnight

  -Most of students are living separately from their parents given that the distance between the campus and their house is quite far. Instead, they took the liberty to rent a house together so that it would be easier for them to go to the campus. When these things happen, the student are free to do whatever they wanted to do and their parents will not give any attention. Then they start doing things that has no sense of morality such as drugs, socialized and hanging out in the midnight. So, they will had a lack of sleep and that things will cause the overslept. Things like this will get in the way of their studying.
Image result for restless during the class

3. being isolated in the class

   -This is because of not having much wealth, lacking in their study and so on. When things like this happen, the isolated student will not have anyone to refer to or lean on. So, they would feel depressed and down because they have nobody to back them up. This will make them feel lazy and did not want to come to class.

 Image result for isolated student

4.Didn't finish their homework 

    -Most of student didn't finish their homework because they like to spent more time to enjoy.Such   as,watching television, play games.Sometimes, they didn't hear advice from parents.For the next       day,the excuses they give is opposite from reality.for example,take care of young sibling, 

 Image result for homework students

5.Had problem with lecturer

   -sometimes, the lecturer can be one of the reason why the students being late and absent to the       class.the lecturer must teach their student without bring any feels from outside that can give bad effect to students.if thing like this happens in the class,the students feels stress and unfortunately hate to the lecturer.

Image result for student vs teacher

That's all from our group , thank you for spend your time read our blog. See you next time! :)